Serverless App Development

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Serverless App Development

Serverless App Development

We are a robust serverless app development company helping enterprises & businesses around the globe to develop next-gen mobile and web apps using strong and scalable serverless app development technologies.Serverless architecture is the latest axiom in the tech industry. The concept gained prominence after the successful launch of Amazon Web Services (AWS). Web applications work by creating a string of communication between the client and the server. The client uses the app installed on his device to make requests to the server, which responds by offering the corresponding service.

Advantages of Serverless Architecture

  • Extended possibility of using third-party services
  • Continuous scale of applications
  • Fits well with microservices
  • Simplifies deployment by eliminating the need for system administration
  • Reduces the complexity of software
  • Decreased time to market and faster software release
  • Works with agile development methodology and empowers the developers to focus on the code and deliver in the best possible time

The process of web app development has greatly evolved over the years. An increasing number of app developers are shifting from hardware servers and cloud hosting to serverless architecture in an effort to combat the perpetual battle of scaling the infrastructure and at the same time, reducing cost. Despite the terminology, serverless architecture doesn’t imply that there are no servers. Instead, it means that the application components are distributed between various servers, thereby eliminating the need for the app developer to create and manage the infrastructure to support it.

Serverless application development services at Gateway Infoway Technologies

Gateway Infoway Technologies is one of the early adopters of this incredible technology. Over the years, we have emerged to become one of the established serverless application development companies with considerable experience in crafting robust and unfailing serverless apps that can readily scale to your needs. We harness this new technology by deploying AWS Lambda, the serverless computing from Amazon. With AWS Lambda, you can run your code on high availability compute infrastructure. Each Lambda function is allotted a specific amount of memory that you want it to use. Based on this, the compute power is allocated. This is extremely important as it allows you to ensure that your Lambda function only runs for the time you want it to. Consequently, you only pay for the compute power you use.

We are a creative company

Who works with passion and love. We provide the best services you need.